You have everything you need to get inspired and kick your life into high gear!
We offer the education focused AJ Novick Group Parenting model approach to intervention., Youth and Adult Education tools that teach, support, and empower as a resource for individuals moving onto new life goals or transitioning into a phase of a life cycle.
Before we even set goals, we sit down together and define your core values and your life purpose because it's these tools which ultimately decide how and what goals you choose for your life. goals, in and of themselves, do not provide happiness. Goals that are in harmony with our life purpose DO have the power to make us happy.
Vague goals produce vague results. In order for you to achieve a goal, you must be very clear about what exactly you want. Often creating a list of benefits that the accomplishment of your goal will bring to your life will give your mind a compelling reason to pursue that goal.
It’s crucial for goal achievement that we are able to track your progress towards your goal. That’s why all goals need some form of objective measuring system so you can stay on track and become motivated when you enjoy the sweet taste of quantifiable progress.
Before we even set your goals, we get a good idea by sitting down to define your core values and your life purpose because it’s these tools which ultimately decide how and what goals you'll choose for your life. Goals, in and of themselves, do not provide any happiness. Goals that are in harmony with your life purpose do have the power to make you happy.
Without setting deadlines for your goals, you won't have any real compelling reason or motivation to start working on them. By setting a deadline, your subconscious mind begins to work on that goal, night and day, to bring you closer to achievement.
Stress Health check and recovery
Setting big goals is great, but setting unrealistic goals will just de-motivate you. S.M.A.R.T. goals will challenge you, but are not so unrealistic that you have virtually no chance of accomplishing it. We work together providing programs and personal development skills to provide new tools and alternative "self-help" solutions to managing life without pressure or prescriptions.
Sometimes an existing condition or relationship may just not “feel right”. In an era of “24/7-on the-go” demands, feeling overwhelmed at work and at home, is on the rise. We tend to be more clearly off-track, missing goals, and targets. We can independently assess and re-energize or uncover existing habits, and work to realize personal change goals and successfully manage life's transitions.
PLANit S.M.A.R.T. Life Skills Solutions